Sunday, September 21, 2008


Kaler2 ni hasil copy dari Nini punyer. malas nk tuka

Starting time: 4.35 AM

Name: Muhammd Faiz bin Md Yunus

Sisters: Hanis, Diyanah, Aliyah

Brothers: Faruq, Fairuz, Fadhli, Fikri, Farid, Firdaus, Fauzi, Fahmi

Height: ntah la. tp lagi tinggi dr Nini la.

Shoe size: ntah. seriously lupe. 7 / 8 / 9 kot. pilih la sendiri

Where do you live: shah alam n seri kembangan

Favourite drinks: air buah.

Favourite breakfast: cereals, nasik lemak yg stim + soya kat pandan indah. wuu wuu rindu

Have you ever been on a plane?: once. g terengganu makan telo ngap3.

Swam in the ocean: saye hanye reti lemas. camni bluurrppp blppp ......

Fallen asleep at school: yer. especially time jawab exam kekeek

Broken someone's heart: yes. saye pro. ho ho ho. sorry korang. x sengaje.

Fell off your chair: penah.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: penah. mase awal2 break dulu kan giler mcm x bole hidop dok tunggu la org tu call walaopon tau dier xkn call kakakaka bongok dumb dumb.

Saved e-mails: ade je.

What is your room like: x mcm bilik.

What's right beside you: guitar kapok 3 tali. stylo

What is the last thing you ate: roti john buatan my mom nyummy3.

Ever had chicken pox: penah kot. tp x critical pn. cam biase je tp still gune alasan ntk ponteng skola kakakaaak

Sore throat: slalu je. pas melalak ho ho ho

Stitches: aaa ntah. x igt. x tau

Broken nose: x penah. tgn penah la. cite dier sgt lucu btw

Do you believe in love at first sight: merepek.

Like picnics: suke kot. as long as the company best and tempat dier pn best ah. atas gunung everest ke. stim je

Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: ntah. ke hadapan ex saye kalau kite penah joget, sorry la saye lupe. aaa pocopoco kire? kalau bende tu kire, nini la then :)

Last who made you smile: myself. denga saye nyanyi Smile kakakaaka Syira la ni punce

You last yelled at: screen ni. saye x giler. Atreyu beb.

Today, did you:

Talk to someone you like: yes.

Kiss anyone: tak.

Get sick: tak. cume tekak je sakit sikit akibat smlm.

Talk to an ex: tak.

Miss someone: yes. ramai kot. ssb~~ sorry x dpt lpk besame.

Eat: roti john, kuey teow, macaroni, cendol smlm dr arab. saye x buncet btw la la la

Best feeling in the world: doing what u like and being happy :)

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no. x penah ade. xde sape nk bagi :(

What's under your bed: habuk habuk hensem.

Who do you really hate: xde sape/ x baik hate2 ni. lagi2 bulan ramadhan.


Is there a person who is on your mind now: yes. bebyyyy~

Do you have any siblings: aku jwb penat2 kat atas td watpe...

Do you want children: nak nak. wajib comel ok.

Do you smile often: yes :) riang riaaaaaaaa kan beby

Do you like your hand-writing: tak. i wish mine is more like bulat2 and comel2 mcm pompannyer tulisan. saye jelesi terhadap tulisan mereke.

Are your toe nails painted: no.

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: mane2 yg stim./

What color shirt are you wearing now: cokelat hijau2.

What were you doing at 7:00 p.m: tgk video makeup hayley haha

Are you a friendly person?: yes. tapi terlampau ramai sgt (saye ckp pasal dy tu) igt saye budak emo...grrr saye x emo ok. emo di rupe, riang di hati.

Do you have any pets: used to. but diorang da mati :( hamster 3 eko.

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: no feelings no feelings.

Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?: yes. i love her so very much.

Do you sleep with the TV on?: tak tak. saye x minat sgt tv ni lately.

What are you doing right now?: denga lagu Why oleh Avril.

Have you ever crawled through a window?: penah. mase sneak out dulu ho ho. skarang da x muat laa =_= tp sy tetap x buncet no no no

Can you handle the truth?: depends. sometimes the truth mcm cibai.

Are you too forgiving?: ntah. x kot.

Are you closer to your mother or father?: mak.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?: my ex kot. lepas tu sme dengan diri sendiri je. solo la kire.

How many people can you say you've really loved?: ramai. sme yg hensem2 dan baik2 yang sentiase igt member dan keluarge.

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: yes.

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: penah. touching lebey agagagaga

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: skarang niii...nini.

Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: depends on the crowd. but loud kot slalu.

Are you confident?: bole tahan la.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
:: having fun cus time kecik dulu xde problem. happy je
:: kawan baik ngan amzar. dulu ktorang rapat giler best giler babi waeiajweiojawoe
:: baru lompat pts. mase tu sme bende rase cam awkward.
:: main gasing main tipu2 kertas kat jalan kertas yg xtau ape function tu tp time tu rase cam best giler
:: beli this one bunge2 straw made by a lembut2 aww in my class for 20 ringgit for my mom :)

5 snacks I enjoy:
:: supering.
:: yg guava2 tu.
:: chipsmore.
:: tiger ( kire snacks ke )
:: gule2. apape je la.

5 of my bad habits:
:: pemalas.
:: suke crk alasan utk disalahkan.
:: suke buang mase/melangok.
:: senang kene tipu / dipengaruh.
:: slalu lupe.

5 places I have lived in (or WILL live in):
:: shah alam.
:: sri rampai.
:: pangsamurni.
:: pandan indah.
:: seri kembangan.

5 jobs I've had:
:: student.
:: trainee kat buzznet.
:: keje jd puppet kat tv show sesame street tu ( elmo agagagasg )
:: wat thesis brape ratus page tu yg in the end saye quit. bongok.
:: guardian angel yg x berjaye kerane slalu diselamatkan oleh org yg saye ptt jage.

5 people i wanna tag:
:: syira. sbb dier kebosanan.
:: lagi 4 malas ah. menyusah kan hidop korang je.

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