Tuesday, February 3, 2009

its a stupid game that never really ends

i was gonna blog about how 'content' i am with my life now. but i guess im not
ermm few things changed kat bilik ni since Billy da masok.
bukan Billy Martin GC ok.
Billy masok ade peraturan baru. Cannot pasang song kuat2 liao
"lagu pasang sendiri2 je denga", he said.
Nxt week kene bawak headphone lah. But then kalau pakai headphone nnt suare sumbang aku plak jd kuat sbb diorang x denga lagu
aaaaa so pasrah.
igt mahu tarok gamba2 tp xde cable nk transfer pics
so nnt2 ah

for now, i really need to sort things out...

ni tag yang yanah suro buat.

(1) Do you think you're hot?
no. x pnah ade admire sejak azali

(2) Upload your favorite picture of you!

(3) Why do you like that picture?
i looked happy. despite my bad hair that day

(4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
aritu mak beli. got the oversea punyer flavor2 but taste same onli zzz

(5) The last song you listened to?
I Set My Friends On Fire - Pokemon

(6) What are you doing right now besides this?
pening memikirkan pasal cinta haiyoyo

(7) What name would u prefer beside yours?
Ultraman The GREATTTTT

People i want to tag :
(xnk tag lah but just list down so that bole wat bende ni)
Jessica Alba

(8) Who is number 1?
Member paling best. sumpah

(9) Number 3 is having relationship with?
Faiz Yunus. lucky guy

(10) Say something about number 5.
Itulah aku. so7 sucks OH YEAH~

(11) How about number 4?
Pemegang rekod Guiness Record for World's Sexiest Perot. last year Nik

(12) Who is number 2?
Pro yang mati pucuk tangan kiri A HA HA HA


DyanaYunus said...

laa sorry la, aku maen tag aja

Faiz said...

sorry psl ape?