: untuk sesape yg x minat Dota, skip jer smpi part last :
once again, bfb and spartan went into the battlefield, begado smpi mampos, as might, teamwork and skill are shown and executed, just so that at the end of the day, ktorang bole lanc dgn masing2 hahaha. da lame ktorang x men bfb lawan sptn. last time bfb kene tapau 3 game smpi muntah2. tak boleh lupe kenangan2 manis mcm tu. is ajak lawan arini. silap timing la dier sbb key player diorang ( Cr3w5 ) pegi becuti2 kat cine plak. ambek ilmu lebey dr player sane kot. serious if Lan played, its possible that the outcomes wouldve been different. he's like the punce in Sptn. Syakir didnt play too. but kalau dier main pn same je wakkaka just kidding no touchy2. Lion kau 5 on 1 power Syakir.
bfb : nd, yoi, aku, fatah, arepwe didnt plan anything like lineups or roles or whatever. on the spot ktorang buat decision. but i had some hero training yesterday. mcm Od hihihi. first 3 games were -cm. sme game pn ban ktorang same. ES, Spec, Bone,
-insertheropunce- why? sbb Billy kalau main 2 hero tu gaw2 dier makan. and Is has been training ES since dier start cuti. aku jd captain dan opponent yg kejam ban lembu tu xnk kasi dier pakai kakkakak. so we won 3 games. game 1 TB couldnt farm sbb ktorang ade ward merate2. game 2 teamwork stylo. game 3 gondar arep gg.
sptn : syed, syakir, cair, sadiq, punce pastu ktorang g mkn. time makan tu ade org tu bakar line plak nk main lagi. but there was a twist. our lineup ditentukan oleh enemy. so bfb pick hero for sptn and vice versa. nervous x igt nk main game ni sbb takot diorang kasi hero feeder habes. tapi sptn membuat kesilapan di mane diorang kasi fatah meepo, aku bear, nd pudge, arep silencer n yoi windrunner. ktorang pn tekejot fatah main meepo. power plak! aku main bear tibai je. noob x igt. bazir aegis je keje aku. pastu game last ktorang main -ar. AKU DAPAT MEEPO HAHAHAAH pastu hero diorang sme x counter meepo. diorang x kasi repick or swap so cont je la. bfb 4 int 1 agi kot. giler sedeyh. tapi xpe. ktorang makan adik cacing kerawet nyum nyum. cacing kerawet takot nk kuar so dier anta adek dier je haha
loading screen 6.99 : nerd giler kn ktorang. pegi mampos la all in all, bfb improved la dr last time ktorang main tu kamjat habes, lan punce sptn and aku harap main tadi dpt entertain mat amin. ayah dier meninggal 2 minggu lepas. takziah and al-fatihah.
oh and tadi first time in my whole life aku jadi mama orang.
x boleh blah
al-fatihah jugak to 4 orang yg died in the tanah runtuh incident kol 4 pagi smlm. doa byk2 untuk mangse2 kejadian
member2 aku igt la bahawe DOTA ni duniawi jer. igt akhirat bai
gud job BFB..
tahniah juga kpd fatah yg pakai meepo..even aku xtau jadi ke x..haha
gud job to SPTN too..
bole cube lagi..
hahah tu la fatah men meepo pro smpi last game tu name dier bfb.meepro
kote mamak nyer fatah
adoi, al fatihah buat mat amin nye apak. xpe2 bfb, aku terima kekalahan ini. tp no more next time, We WILL PAWN BFB. 10 - 1 <-- kasi can
giler kejam kau billy T_T kasihanilah ktorang yg noob ni
mmg bfb pro, gud pro bfb, hahahah..
fatah pro meepo, gle2 tak prcaye wei.tak disangka
perh 10 - o eh, hurm ble ke??bak kate fatah = easy, hahahah
tak paham jugak...*sambung tido*
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