Thursday, August 25, 2011


But those who deny Our verses are deaf and dumb within darknesses. Whomever Allah wills - He leaves astray; and whomever He wills - He puts him on a straight path.

( Al-'An'am 6 : 39 )

cant post this on twitter sbb ade limit :(

Friday, April 8, 2011

in this room selfishness kills

should we keep on writing stories till your inside starts bleeding
or throw down our arms before the scars stay never-healing
i cant bear to steal your family, or the freedom that you choose
ill keep walking with my beliefs, so are we both ready to lose?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

ceben eleben

that face. cant get enough of Nina & Papa! tengok video Nina mesti gelak senyum sorang2

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

never conscious never sober

everyone hates it bile tgh ceria nk keluar so mandi lah kan. tp bile nk masuk mandi tu ade makhluk hensem ddk tengah jalan ( saya penakut geli sikit lipas ni ). solution mudah je kan carik ridsect kejap spray je lah. tapi lipas kat bilik air pinkish bimbo ni serious mutant. kebal ke ape ntah dier xnk begerak kene tggu kejap. da tunggu dlm 5 mins jenguk sebelah mata tgk lipas da gone hati kembali ceria terus melalak dlm shower gentel2 ketiak. selesai semua haruslah gosok gigi kan. haaa haii babi negro ni ( saya bukan racist ) keluar balik dari lubang mane ntah ajak main cak cak. stuck kejap dlm shower mencarut carut sorang2 dekat lipas yg obviously x paham apebende aku membebel. xmen ni takde rupe cam mamai langsungg da kene spray tadi gerammmm je. stuck lagi 5 mins tapi dlm shower plak. last2 tepk jugak kenape sissy sgt ( tapi geli kot zzz ) terjah je sbb aku sissy awesome. ade lagi tu dier ddk dekat sink pulak x dapat aku gosok gigi wtv bukan pegi jmpe awek pn

serious besar cuba compare ngan kepale paippp tuuu crazyyy mutannnt!